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Vineyard Culinary Institute's Pop-Up Dinner Event successfully concluded with indulgence of Culinary Symphony. A fine dining experience like NO OTHER!

In completion of the modernized fine dining event participated by the Certificate and the Diploma Culinary students headed by Chef Marietes B. Marquez, Hospitality students headed by Mr. Jesson Warren T. Cobar and Antonio E. Baluntang, with the support of the Vineyard College's faculty and staff, and the enthusiastic guests who bought the ticket to try the multi-course dishes, the event became the highlight of the first quarter of 2024 and significantly gave a positive impact and perspective to everyone involved.

It was indeed a night to remember for everyone who spared their time and effort to make the event the most memorable one. Thus, the institution will continue to strive hard to bring the best and the most memorable experiences to the students.

Congratulations LaVignians!

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